She was in her vault,
Damn how’d she get locked in,
In a world full of sin,
As she knocked on the glass
Asked me, can I let me in,
To join her, the temptations,
I was facing, the lust,
I wanted to join her,
She didn’t wanna get out,
She like being content,
She didn’t like balance,
She thrived for being
At the deep end,
On that bed, her physical
Was crawling,
While little did she know,
Her spirit was touring,
She wasn’t in tuned,
She was lost,
And she wanted me
To be there with her,
Stuck in a room,
Ready for me to give her love,
Something, she never consumed…
For herself, I said Queen,
You must know thyself,
Way before I knew myself,
I had came to myself,
And told myself,
You must get yourself,
Together, so you can be
And when I realized,
And then,
She realized that
I couldn’t get her out,
From my side, a
Double Vault door,
She finally got up
And pulled the door,
That unlocked her vault,
From her side,
Said she been stuck for years,
Every man who’d entered
Never again reappeared,
They became nonexistent,
I was never there
My spirit was existing,
Talking to her,
She listens,
Maybe she’ll learn one day,
That everything,
Is all, within.
“The Vault”
Written By Kingbty EL

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