I mean got damn
You are my water
That flows through my dam
Pain we will overcome
Our love is infinite
Can’t take away my fuckups
Chances given
Time to listen
I have to own up
Make adult decisions
It’s time to grow up
Hurting you
Is it worth it
Not at all
Never do I wanna make cry
Or make you feel that
Our house isn’t a home
You taught me
I wanna abide by you
And do the right thing
So forget spike lee
Never let negativity
Get the best of you
And me
Visions of a family
Is what my third eye see
Help me be better
Help me love better
Every day won’t be sunshine
But I know we can get through
The stormy weather
You and I together
Block the negative
With our positive
We will forever reign
As long
as we can be on the same page
Writing new chapters
I can see you at the chapel
Your beautiful
In and out
Your mental is what
I’m attracted too
As well as your physical
Attraction too
There’s things I’m going say
There’s mistakes I’m going make
I’m not perfect in any way
I hope you can see my heart
I hope you can feel my energy
Before we let things or people
Tear us apart
From each other
And I be damn
If I let some other
Ruin what we have
Due to fact
they wishing
They can have
What we have
I be damn
Misery loves company
And I be damn
If that company
Gets to you or me
We are royal
I’m your king
And your my queen
People going hate
What that can’t have
Wishing that they had
And I be damn
If I let a woman or man
Get in between
What we have
It’s something special
Our creator
Bless me when
There energy made you
And I’m thankful
I’m thankful
And I thank you
Written By Kingbty

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