“Wise Dome”

"Wisdom lives in the future, and from there it speaks to us. There is no such thing as wisdom of the past. Wisdom preceded the world and wisdom is its destiny. With each passing moment, wisdom becomes younger, as we come closer to the time when it is born and breathes the air of day. ...

“Dis-Ease Begins In The Mind”

🇲🇦For every ailment the body faces, there is a chakra associated with it. Our chakras can be very telling when it comes to the latent trauma and/or programming that we have not over come. When you inner/overstand the source of the dis-ease you are able to begin the healing process from the root of the ...


The principles of Mentalism and Vibration teaches us that our minds create our reality and therefore impact our vibration/frequency. This has become more increasingly obvious as recent world events have dramatically shifted people's mindsets and perception of reality, leaving many with drastically contrasting views. Have you noticed any changes within your relationships, whether partner, family, friends, ...

“Energetic Cords”

With every relationship in our life, we exchange energy to form a connecting cord with each other. In order to get fresh start, it is essential to cut these cords as keeping these cords intact can only hold us back. To cut energetic cords, anyone can take help from Reiki as it is a very useful ...