As tears fall,
Going through withdrawals,
Chase health
Don’t chase banks,
Chase destiny
Don’t chase skanks,
Waiting for the shell 2go
That’s the physical,
Energy transfers
Yes! that’s what the spirit do,
Soulfully speaking,
Outer body dreaming,
How do you find reality
In this illusion,
Create it but only few will do it,
Self govern,
To my safe haven,
In god you trust
Eye am trading places,
Eye remember back in twenty 11
Eye wanted to be ma son, (mason)
4 yrs later eye realized
Eye was moor sun,
From what my ancestors left for me,
So eye go hard,
Eye go strong,
Eye go for all that’s right,
Eye left the nonsense alone,
Still they saying eye am not right,
Everything in the dark
Will come to the light,
Whether you see it or not,
Time isn’t on everyone side,
What eye eat goes to my mind,
The gut is the brain,
Be careful what you digest,
Healthy thoughts become a process,
As long as your not eating
Anything that’s process,
Living things within the living,
What a feeling…
As tears fall,
Going through withdrawals,
Chase health
Don’t chase banks,
Chase destiny
Don’t chase skanks.
Truly Yours
Emperor B.T.Y. EL

September 27, 2019
October 4, 2019
Thank you
October 9, 2019
Words for the soul! A truth only the spiritually inclined will understand!