When you come to that auspicious point of a breakthrough into real freedom, the greatest distractions come. They happen to everybody, even a Christ or a Buddha. Something has to be squeezed out from inside. Distractions appear to shake your house to the foundations, but you will see the illusoriness of this as you continue standing in the Supreme. At times like this, you may feel a wobbling, as does everyone, but by not losing your ground, they turn out to your advantage. You must build muscle out of such difficulties. You have to! There is no other way for a seeker. Some begin to fade as they get knocked back a bit. They lose heart quickly. Their courage withers away in the hot sun of life’s trials and tribulations and they are soon gone. I say, no! Don’t go with that now. Fight through this. Remember, you are not going through these things. They are going through you.~ Mooji
☪️Happy Solar Return Unc T✨🇲🇦

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