It’s hard to reach these kids today, for one they swear they’re grown, but don’t have bill to pay, for two, they don’t wanna listen to what you have to say. It goes through one ear out the other, even with my father not apart of my life at this certain time, I thank God for my grandparents and my mother, even when I didn’t wanna listen or pay attention, there words reeled me in as if they were fishing, they were fishing alright, threw me back in that water because I was their son (sun) therefore I was bright and still am as you can see but I’m trying to do something no one does L.B.E. (Lead By Example) to the youth, just speak to them, tell them everyone isn’t so true, stop being so negative, be positive, change can come today, gangs, drugs, guns, prison is where they want to put you away, I don’t want you to be a failure, I don’t ever want it to go that way, be respectful, listen because all I wanna do is help you, but you won’t understand what I have to tell you my brothers & sisters, unless you give me a helping hand.
Written by B.T.Y. In 2006

March 29, 2016
Beautiful. I hope you are able to reach the urban demographic because they need something, someone to help them see the light.
April 4, 2016
That's the goal to start within and spread it out, only if they can see the light is brighter then the dullness they're used too... Thank you
March 30, 2016
All we can do is keep talking to them,some will listen,some wont,but it never hurts to state our opinion...
April 4, 2016
Yes sir, all I can do is give the people a message, it's on them to help me get the message to others as they give me a helping hand... Thank you bash