Right now my mind can’t think
But it’ll come to me,
Like a pigeon do bread
Mike G. I didn’t forget
What you said.
All I need is a hand
As if I’m a physic,
No predictions,
No crystal ball,
I’m just living in the present,
My future isn’t promise,
But I plan for it,
Just in case, I am here tomorrow…
I’m just thinking,
In my mind
I could be right,
In your mind
I could be wrong,
But In your mind
You can be right,
And in your mind
I can be wrong,
Because we do our best
Thinking when we’re alone.
Neither one of us is right
Neither one of us is wrong
It’s called a opinion,
Now I’m thinking because
I’m in a zone and If you was
Paying attention
You don’t have to remember
What’s the name of what I’ve
Recited to you because your
Doing it right now without
Me having to tell you and in
Your mind
I know you’re like what does this
All mean
I’m telling you
It’s time for us,
By all means,
To start “THINKING”
Written by B.T.Y. In 2005

March 22, 2016
That's was different - I like the message, it is time for us to start thinking!!
April 4, 2016
Thank you, it's crucial for us to think at all times