👑♥️JEWEL OF THE DAY 👑♥️ All relationships/friendships are mirror images. They represent some part of you. There’s something to learn from those that irritate you the most. Learn from that woman/man that gets on your damn nerves because if you don’t, you’ll attract that same man/woman (energy) in a different suit. Your King/Queen is your looking glass. Take that sh*t seriously. Whatever you don’t like about him, check for it within yourself. Whatever you praise about him/her is probably some trait you need to cultivate within yourself. Nourish your wombs (good vibes + good food). Step into your power. Don’t suppress your man/womanhood to fit a small woman/man. Do you. The right one will rise to greet you. If the “right one” never comes, You got YOU 🙂 💓 ~ Queen Afua. KEEP RISING KING/QUEEN! 💓💓💓

October 5, 2018
Good stuff right there...