The old me
No longer existing,
I’m lying
It’s my lower self,
The new me
My higher self,
Still need a balance
Still waiting for it,
I was lied to
Blinded by the evil,
Showed me it was love,
Thought I knew the future
It was evol so I evolved,
Into something that I was
All along,
What can you do
If you was taught this all along,
What is this
They asked,
How do u I survive
They asked,
If I show you this
And show you that
You’re still going ask,
So I want you to read
Moor about that,
Answer your questions
When you ask,
Think about it before you ask,
Don’t believe everything
I say,
Read up on it
as I say,
I said
it’s right in your eyes.
Written By Kingbty EL

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