So many people love to call this info “pseudo-science.” That’s perfectly fine, because they’re the ones who were indoctrinated with 12 years of mainstream miseducation. In 2017, I stated your government is controlled by insects. You can call this info “nonsensical bullshit” all you want. In ancient Kemet, our ancestors paid homage to the God “Khepri.”
Khepri was an insectoid God. Khepri showed humans the properties of beetle wings, & showed the beetle wings ability to defy Earths magnetism(gravity). Ancient civilizations reverse engineering the beetle wing, is what led to the creation the first aircrafts. Many humans love to call themselves “Gods,” but the fact is, most humans have fallen below the frequency of insects.
For the last 2,000 years these insectoids have controlled your world governments, & are planning to suck the world’s resources dry, while keeping most of humanity in a state of warfare.

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