It’s a tough life. Some days it’s hard to get out of bed and get going. Why? How come our levels of enthusiasm seem to fall so easily? Why can’t we get ourselves motivated? Simple, really. We try to reverse the energy flow in a universe where all energy is radiating outwards. We try to break one of the spiritual laws. We are taught that winning and achieving is about getting and keeping, when the truth is that it is about giving. Winners are go givers not go-getters, and their definition of winning is not getting one over on the other guy, but overcoming their inertia and giving something of themselves to someone or something other than themselves. This reverses the flow of energy from outside in, to inside out, and as we all know, the deepest satisfaction in life comes from giving. While it is hard to fathom living a life of giving, when everyone else is on the take, there is an ancient law which ensures that if we did, we would never go without. I think you know what that law is. It allows you to be motivated in a completely different way. No need for any magical formulas or rigid belief systems … try it today!! What you give is what you… #motivateyourself

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