“State Of Warfare”

So many people love to call this info "pseudo-science." That's perfectly fine, because they're the ones who were indoctrinated with 12 years of mainstream miseducation. In 2017, I stated your government is controlled by insects. You can call this info "nonsensical bullshit" all you want. In ancient Kemet, our ancestors paid homage to the God ...


The OBE can be intentional or involuntary, as with near-death events when people report finding themselves floating near the ceiling of their hospital rooms, perhaps observing medical staff attempting to revive them.  Trauma, illness, or water and food deprivation, as with Native American vision quests, can trigger OBEs. Lucid dream states are opportunities for intentional OBEs. For the ...


Giving my all Only to the ones That reciprocate it, Memories faded, Now the house be gated, If we talkin cheese Mines was grated, So eye blocked out The ones who hated, Jealous ones still envy... Separate yourself you Hear me... I’m stacking precious metals Stack ya Benjamin’s, That’s the difference between Boys amongst Men, You gotta know Yaself Before ya know ya wealth, My next steps, Get gold ...


CONNECTED: “You can’t see the connection, but it’s always there. Moving quietly beneath the surface of our lives. Our unity is rooted in the awareness that our community is much bigger than the faces we see (or don’t see) on the daily. Our love answers to a higher authority.” - @sosoulfull